This deck is based on a 2 card combo: onomatopickup and onomatopaira, plus a generic card. Activate onomatopickup, add utopic onomatopoeia, activate onomatopaira, discard the generic card to add zubababancho and dodododwarf. Then summon onomatopoeia, activate its effect to special summon the other 2 monsters from your hand. Xyz summon zs utopic sage using onomatopoeia and dodododwarf and onomatopoeia, detatch those two to special summon zs - ascended sage from the deck. Then activate zubababancho to special summon from grave onomatopoeia and then special summon dodododwarf due to its effect. xyz summon utopia, using zs ascended sage, add the hyper rank up from deck to hand, overlay into utopia ray, and then activate the rank up and overlay into utopia dragner. Activate dragner's effect to special summon leo utopia ray, activate its effect to attach zw pegasus twin saber from the deck to it and then xyz summon tornado dragon, overlay zs utopic sage and tornado dragon for utopic future and utopic draco future. during the opponent's turn activate dragner again to special summon hope harbinger.