Regular Dark Warrior deck with its Gouki replaced with Chaos lineup because Codebreaker engine is similar to Gouki Rematch without having to run bunch of Gouki bricks (Gouki only has a handful of special summon being Suprex and Headbatt), also Accesscode replaces Giant Ogre in terms of big beater, is more generic, and built-in spell speed 4 multiple destruction. Chaos Space boosts this deck consistency by searching Photon Thrasher or Blue Mountain Butterspy and Chaos Creator easily benefits from Phantom Knights because they banish themselves making Chaos Creator second effect online. 1 O-Lion and 2 Grappler Angler are just combo pieces, the combo is very long and need zone management (make sure to
put O-Lion token outside of Tenyi zones). Download the replay file
Going 2nd, we can use Tenyi link to pop 2 (non-targeting) by leaving O-Lion token and Linkross token on field and make Link Spider using O-Lion token then continue to link climb to Codebreaker then Accescode for more pops.
Pros: Super consistent, multiple negations, big monster with immunity, has follow-up play, the new Chaos lineup is more recursive means plus for days, big slot for staples, and the combo can adapt going 1st or 2nd.
Cons: Weak board and only has monster negation