Draitron is Impcantation on crack and super compatible with Black Luster Soldier, being lv1 light it means you can have Overtex for Pill using Super Soldier Synthesis to fetch it from deck. Combo depends on what you draw, it means you need practice on how to maximize the Draitron advantage (key point is Synthesis can summon BLS from GY like Draitron ritual and Synthesis needs lv1 light fodder in hand). So, the deck has to be carefully tweaked for its ratio and after countless of testing, I found this ratio are the best (subjective, means you can still tweak it to find the objectively best ratio/combination). Tutorial:
Diviner is combo piece searchable from Benten. Cupid Volley is there as it is a lv1 light for Synthesis and another light fairy target for Benten while can mill Draitron/BLS/Overtex/Meteornis. Effect Veiler is lv1 light for Synthesis and can be fetched from Chaos Ruler for extra interruption. Meteornis Draitron can be recurred from GY, summon ritual from GY. Gateway to Chaos for BLS and super easy to have counter for ritual spell searching. Fafnir mostly as extra Nova for Draitron, can search Meteornis too.
Extra deck: N'tss and Arc Light as Diviner target. Michael as lv7 (Diviner + 1 Draitron) removal and mills card like Cupid Volley. Reprodocus as fodder if we draw Tyranno. I:P Masquerena as another disruption if we dont have enough Draitron (I:P + Tyranno).
Pros: Themed, kinda consistent, multiple disruption, has followup play, big body, and great going first or second.
Cons: Multiple cards combo because it's ritual. Fragile to interruption.