Many of the destiny board card effects involve searching and summoning level 3 and level 8 fiend-type monsters which you can use to interrupt your opponent's board in addition to an alternate win condition if that ends up going south. Thanks to the effect of Dark Spirit's Mastery, you can search any level 8 fiend-type monster including your unchained cards, the necrofears, and, hilariously, lava golem. The ideal setup requires you to use tour guide and ochthros in order to setup your hand and graveyard. Ideally, you want to search whatever is missing in your hand. You want any of the dark spirit cards in your hand to help get necrofear or the level 8 unchained cards out of the grave while being able to dump or add any of them at your leisure with any mix of scarm, octhros, fiendish rhino warrior, or cherubini. All in all, this deck is incredibly fun and surprisingly viable against many competetive decks.