This deck aims to use the new Umi support in tandem with some powerful floodgates to control the board and win games!
I am using The Legendary Fisherman II and III as II is pretty strong on its own, being unaffected by other monster effects, but III is nearly impossible to out, banishes the opponents whole board and is huge to boot!
I am using 3 soul drain as I think its required going into a pure Tearlament meta.
I am using 3 TCBOO as your usual end board you want is Kairyu-Shin, Electric Jellyfish and Mega Fortress Whale which are all different types so TCBOO doesn't affect you in most circumstances.
Giga Gagagigo is the largest level 5 WATER Normal monster you can play, the next best option you can play is Frostisaurus which is level 6 but has 150 more attack (it rarely ever comes up so sticking with Giga Gagagigo is best)