So the December 2020 TCG Banlist was revealed recently, and as it turns out...Miscellaneousaurus did not get hit! So my favorite deck is still at full power! UCT is still da real MVP!
This deck's name is a reference to one of my older Dinosaur decks, "UCT Is MVP!" (Link:
Anyways, unlike it's inspiration, this deck doesn't use one of the most degenerate Link 2s ever. *fake cough* Halqifibrax. So this is basically your typical competitive Dino deck. While it does do good going first, it would be in your best interest to go second due to backrow removal being used in the Main Deck. Not to mention the 9 hand traps.
In case you're wondering why Knightmare Cerberus is in the main deck, it's because if you manage to summon Gamma and Driver (or a monster in addition to Nibiru) going second with Lost World on the field, you can use both monsters to link summon Knightmare Cerberus, and use its effect on one of your opponent's Tokens. Then you can use Lost World's final effect to destroy a Baby or Petit in your hand/Deck instead. So I put Cerberus in the Extra Deck so I can destroy Baby or Petit with Lost World as often as possible.
And finally, because I'm just a petty little *BLEEP!*, I side-decked Mystic Mine.