After TeamSamuraiX1 won a Remote Duel tournament in August 2020, I started playing Dinosaurs again. I haven't been doing that in a while, and that's my favorite deck. So I made this deck profile, aptly named "UCT Is MVP!" Anyone who says Ultimate Conductor Tyranno isn't one of the most broken boss monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh is either a liar or an idiot.
Now, this deck is meant to go second, but if going first, it can potentially set up a nice board consisting of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno and Evolzar Dollka/Laggia--maybe you'll also get a hand trap or two. Jurrac Aeolo is in here because as a Tuner you can summon with Babycerasaurus, it makes a great extender to link climb into Needlefiber, Selene, and Accesscode Talker. And if Accesscode Talker and UCT isn't enough to OTK the opponent, the Extra Deck also has Borrelsword Dragon.