main deck
1x Black luster soldier - envoy of the beginning
2x Chaos sorcerer
1x wulf,lightsworn beast
1x Jain twilightsworn general
1x Kagemucha Knight
2x raiden , hand of the lightsworn
1x lyla , Lightsworn sorceress
2x perfomage Trick clown
2x Lumina , twilightsworn shaman
3x Lumina , lightsworn summoner
1x the phantom knights of cloven helm
2x the phantom knights of fragile armor
2x the phantom knights of ragged gloves
3x the phantom knights of ancient cloak
3x the phantom knights of silent boots
2x solar recharge
1x foolish buriel
1x twin twister
3x charge of the light brigade
2x burial fro different dimension
1x phantom knights spear
2x phantom knights wing
3x phantom knights fog blade
2x phantom knights sword
1x the phantom knights mist claws
1x Michael , the arch -lightsworn
1x Angel of zera
1x Black rose dragon
1x Arcanite magician
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x number s39: Utopia the lightning
1x number 86 the heroic champion - rhongomynia
2x Dante , traveler of burning abyss
2x the phantom knights of break sword
1x Dark requiem xyz dragon
1x Dark rebellion xyz dragon
2x wee witchs apprentice