The death of Pendulums has been greatly exaggerated. Qliphorts were one of the first & strongest Pendulum based archetypes to come out in 2014. In an era where synchros & xyz's ran things, Qli stepped in and shut them down. And with MR5 unlocking those strategies once again, look to these marvelous machines to do so once more. 'Towers' may not be the big dog anymore with links running around, but team him up with 'Skybase' and even they are in trouble. Speaking of links, 2018's 'Genius' solved the pendulum handicap for them, allowing them to go off like before. And of course you can't talk about the Qli without one the best searchers in the game's history with 'Scout'. In combination with cards like 'Disk', 'Carrier', 'Helix', 'Monolith' & 'Qlimate Change', this deck is programmed to run well for years to come.