Deck from the game: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul
Eternal Duelist Soul is a pretty cool GBA Game, it has nice events and considerable replayability. The Decks from this game are pretty iconic and, since WC2004's decks are stored in this website already, I might aswell do the same for this game. Both games have the some really random but fitting decks for each character (almost like their anime decks).
I found these Decklists online and I'm saving them here for anyone looking for them easily (while also doing it for me). I've also tried to sort the cards by strenght, while also keeping a good organization, so it's easier to check what cards in their decks we should pay more attention to.
Weirdly enough, "Trusdale" is none other than Grandpa Muto himself.
Nobody knows why he has that name in this game.