With the banning of True King of All Calamities, the boss of this deck has shifted to Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, though it isn't the only way to win. For pesky cards difficult to get rid of, such as Red Eyes Dark Dragoon, Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju, can easily take it's place and get flipped face down with UCT's ability. Gizmek Kaku is useful against opponents' big Link monsters, such as an opposing Borrelsword Dragon, so long as it remains in the Extra Deck Zone. With all the banishing done for UCT and Miscellaneousaurus, summoning Overtex Qoatlu and bolstering Tyranno Infinity's attack should be a cakewalk. Plus, with the pairing of Overtex Qoaltus and Lost World, you can easily pop off Babycerasaurus's and Petiterandon's effects from the deck. True King Lithosagym is great for preventing any possiblilty of annoying Extra Deck monsters, such as Dragoon. True King Agnimazud effortlessly gets around the effects that prevent card destruction, as it banishes.
In regards to the extra deck, Evolzar Laggia is great for stopping the activation of card effects or summoning of monsters. Additionally, after his effect pops off, summoning an Ultimate Conductor Tyranno should be simple as pie (or is it pi? I honestly haven't a clue). Dark Rebellion and Dark Requiem both do essentially the same thing, though Requiem's effect is much more potent and cheaper to activate. Knightmare Phoenix is useful as spell destruction and sending dinosaur monsters to the grave for an UCT. Borrelsword Dragon is useful to pair up with UCT since it can change a monster to defense position on either players' turns. Martial Metal Marcher, Goyo Guardian, Infernity Doom Archfiend, and Virtual World Beast - Jiujiu are mainly there to help get out Crystal Wing and Clear Wing, though they are useful in other ways. Jiujiu will almost always be protected by its own effect in this deck as monsters are frequently hitting the grave. Its additional effect also serves to bolster Tyranno Infinity and/or summon Overtex Qoaltus. It's easy to clear your hand with this deck, allowing Infernity Doom Archfiend's effects to have full potency. Finally, Goyo Guardian serves to prevent some cards from hitting the opponent's graveyard if they rely on it while bolstering your own defenses.