Basically what you do is get out a True Draco and get your Domain and Erupt on the field so your opponent can not play Yugioh.
The True Draco cards are True Draco cards, no explanation needed.
Pantheism is used as a draw engine and to search your monarch floodgates.
Stormforth lets you use the True Draco monsters to get rid of your opponent's monsters with destruction or targeting protection, and as fodder for Pantheism.
Inspector Boarder is Inspecter Boarder, it stops your opponent from playing Yugioh and can give you an extra turn to set up.
Pot of Duality is a free excavate three pick one, there's basically no penalty because you usually aren't going to be special summoning during your turn if at all.
March of the Monarchs is a bit questionable, but it gives your monsters targeting and destruction protection and is fodder for Pantheism.
Now on to the side deck.
Lightning Storm helps you out if you're gonna go second, it sort of gives you a chance. You could probably also swap this out for DRNM.
Field Barrier stops your extra deck lock from dying to 1 destruction, and tells Mystic Mine troglodytes to shove it.
Macro Cosmos and Imperial Iron Wall screw over certain decks, Skill Drain is a slightly worse (for this deck) Monarchs Erupt.
Light-Imprisoning Mirror shuts down Drytron and Eldlich.
Mind Drain stops hand traps and Virtual World's hand effects.
Over all this deck is pretty good at cheesing out wins against stronger decks, without having to resort to the degeneracy that is Mystic Mine.