A combination of True Draco and Eldlich with only the necessary cards.
Pot of Desires and Card of Demise are powerful draw cards, but they have potential downsides so try to use them after seeing your engine pieces.
Dragonic Diagram is a great card that can help set up your GY for Eldlich and search your True Draco cards.
Monarchs Erupt and Skill Drain can help control the board after you've set up.
Budget options:
Cursed Eldland($20 per) → Terraforming+Mystic Mine($9): Provides consistency and forces negate.
Evenly Matched($13 per) → Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju($2 per): Helps go 2nd and break boards.
Other cards to consider:
Artifact Lancea: Cosmic Cyclone and Evenly Matched hurt the deck a lot.
Twin Twisters: faster s/t removal for backrow decks.
Domain of the True Monarchs: to lock your opponent out of the extra deck.
Called by the Grave / Amano-Iwato / Solemn Strike are all cards to consider.