So I play tested with the last list and found that 4 normal summons is a little too much. I have cut the 2 copies of Kuribandit, as well as the Eldlich stuff and I wanted to with more of a pure Draco Route. I do play some Monarch cards and a spellbook engine. Domain got cut to 1 copy as I found it clashes with Diagram, which is the more important field spell. This build could benefit from a Set Rotation, but I decided not to include it because the space is tight. I wanted to go with a 40 card build and Upstart would be the 41st card kekw. Also, the inclusion of Metaltron because this deck needs a decent boss monster. I found that sometimes the deck has trouble getting that big push for game and Dinomight, Ignis and Maiden sometimes (and regularly) isn't enough to push for game. Metaltron helps out with the potential to be immune to everything but also being pretty big, and with Diagram/Dreith on the field it might take a turn or two before your opponent can out him. Overall I am much happier with this build overall, and in my testing has been a little more powerful as well with the help of Metaltron and some of the newer additions. Hope you like the update.