The deck's strategy is a little weirder than most other decks. The deck was built to cover weak points of most other decks, the many kuribohs allow for little damage to be dealt to the user of this deck. Red-Eyes Dragoon allows for quick negates and it allows you to slowly take apart your opponent field ( Destruction dragon serves the same purpose. .) The multitude of trap cards is if your opponent has better cards; this deck also has your stereotypical lava golem. Mystic mine and gravity bind are for the purpose of stalling the opponent until dragoon or destruction dragon can be summoned. You can use the combo of, scapegoat- wait a turn using stall tactics than summon linkuriboh, you can do this twice. (you need to have kuribohrn in your hand to pull this off.) Once your opponent attacks you can use the remaining scapegoats to special summon linkuriboh again (due to its effect.) than once its effect is used up than use kuribohrn to bring linkuriboh back.
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