To celebrate the almost 10k views on my Trickstars 2018 deck from several months ago I have to decided to update the deck for you guys since the September banlist has made the deck unusable! I also want to say how grateful I am that I have you all viewing my decks and keeping up with me. Your support encourages me to continue posting and making cool decks for you guys. Also as a life update for everyone, I find myself being able to post on the weekends so look out for a new deck every weekend (this includes Friday). This deck performed really well in testing and won many games. This deck always wants to go first because using
Trickstar Reincarnation twice or even once hurts your opponent badly, making them lose a lot of their resources, especially in decks that play a lot of one ofs like Altergeist and Gouki. Altergeist has a major problem with resources because if they lose their altergeist monsters, especially specific ones like
Altergeist Silquitous or
Altergeist Kunquery, then they will lose since they won't have any way to interrupt you. If Goukis lose
Gouki Headbatt or
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee, it can be pretty bad, depending on how many extenders they draw will determine if they can play without the Headbatt and or Iblee or not. Also burn damage will really kill your opponent when you have 2 or 3
Trickstar Lycoris combined with
Trickstar Lightstage. Going first siding in
Dark Room of Nightmare can inflict some serious damage to your opponent with Lycoris and Reincarnation. I've also found that
Gozen Match works really well in this deck and stops most decks from going off since decks like Altergeist have all different attributes. Enjoy the deck!