This deck uses Trickstar, but also takes advantage of the Star-Seraph engine. You have two options you can usually do. You can either use the Star Seraph or the Trickstars. For the Trickstars the usually combos
ALWAYS Candina or Lightstage. Depending on your hand of course, I would get lightstage on the board then search Candina or Lycorissia (depending on your hand) and use Candina to search Lycorissica or Trickstar Reincarnation. From there search out Candina for Lycorissica and activate Reincarnation to get big damage. There's multiple ways to pull this off, but the main goal is to bring out holly angel or decode talker to take out your opponent. Don't force the link summon though you have XYZ and synchro for a reason.
Star Seraph engine explains itself, summon all 3 to get sentry on the field to take out 1 pesky card. The synchros are meant for Lycorissica and Gofu. I would always resort to Beelze as it is easy to summon and hard to get off the field for some unprepared decks. Double summon is meant to help combos, dark hole, and raigeki for protection. The Solemn cards and Ash Blossom will help stop your oppoenent from advancing their board. Overall, more Trickstars is needed for the TCG and until then combining types is the best method.