Frist of all i won`t explain the standart Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade combos there are enough Youtuber`s that do that, i rather focus on the cards that are unusual in this deck.
The only thing i will say is
don`t use Fraktall to send Kit to the Gy and then send Nervall and then search 4 something.
Just use Fraktall to send Nervall and then search and in the 1st turn u most likely want to search Kit and NS her.
So now to the unusal cards in this deck.
Main Deck:
Danger Thunderbrid/ Jackalope
Thunderbird is the Wingedbeast extender that u somtimes need and Jackalope can SS him from the deck and also u can pop a set card with it if u play u`r hand out first.
Jackalope can be searched with Shuraig and is also a target 4 Rescue Cat waht somtimes will come in handy.
Reborn Tengu:
Can SS a other Kopie from the Deck (
not once per turn) can get u to high Link`s very esay and fuels the GY.
Can be searched with Tenki and SS from the deck with Airborne.
And i know u can draw 2 ore 3 Kopies of it but keep in mind this is a 50 card deck so it won`t happend that much.
Simorgh of the Beginning:
If u really need a Wingedbeast or lvl 1 on the Field u can send him from the deck to the GY an SS him but keep in mind that he locks u under Wingedbeast.
He also can protect Simorgh bird of sovereignty because of the eff of Simorgh bird of sovereignty.
Can also be SS with the eff of Simorgh of the Kings.
Watch Cat:
Is importent 4 Ariborne because of the low ATK of Lyrilusc mons and Nervall so u always have a traget in the deck to SS.
Is a traget 4 Rescue Cat
A free lvl 1 extender.
U leave it on the field if u dont need it to bann it in the EP and search Tenki 4 the next turn.
Extra Deck:
2x Shuraig 2x Ferrijit 2x Simorgh bird of sovereignty:
Because u`r board can be broken and this deck is not a Glasscannon. Playing 2 of each of them will help u build up u`r board agian and gain the control of the field back.
Cross Sheep:
Is the Link that u just want to summon if u just need a link 2 and if u summoned Gamma and Driver in ur turn because u dont have a other easy way to use them but if u want to do that keep in mind to do that before u use the Linksummon eff from one off ur Tri-Brigade mons.
Side Deck:
Archnemeses Eschatos:
U only want to side him in Game 2 or 3 when u know that u`r going 2nd or u`r going first and u`r opponent is playing a dragon deck because the eff only works with types that are on the field. But it is very powerful it can nuke u`r opponents board and lock him so he can`t summon.
The beast way to out Spells and Traps that are strong agianst this deck like Zombieworld or Mine it don`t taget, don`t destroys and can`t be negated.
There is no way that u`r opponent can protect his spells/traps from this card, it will gives u 1 turn and this is all waht u need.
The rest of the deck is common stuff. If u want to test out this deck u need to know it is not 4 starter it can take some time to get used to it u will make many missplays and most important have Fun with this Deck.
I would love if u leave me a Komment if u Like this deck and waht do u think waht could i do to make it better.