I feel like the deck has changed enough to the point where a new list and guide is needed. The original guide isn't outdated, It's just the ideal list. But It's no longer ideal to use it in the current format. It's time to be Anti-Meta. It would be better for me to be wrong on this deckbuild than to continue giving people the bad information. Of course the format will see changes after it starts but this is a good time to do it if any.
Link to the r/yugioh affliated Traptrix Discord with 2k+ users if you want context on the older list w/ generic advice in the #pit-dwellers-starting-guide channel. https://discord.gg/aGY2mvUc2a
Dimension Shifter Reasoning
It stops too many combo piles and other rogue decks. Yeah sure, there are matchups it does nothing but it's worth the risk. If you don't run D Shifter there's little reason to run Traptrix atm. (Dogma variant seems promising and it still could consider the option.) And if you do, you might as well Main Deck it unless it isn't favorable at locals or similar.
+ 3 more copies of a stun handtrap. Turns off Ghost Ogre, Droll, and Effect Veiler. You might have to play the Psy Frame Gamma, Triple Tactics mindgame since you can only avoid one outcome. Makes Pinguicula able to absorb most things.
- You will Always get hit by Nibiru if D Shifter is up since it turns off Rafflesia. If you want to predict Nib, there are ways you can empty the GY and still end on Sera + Xyz and resolve D Shifter. (!) However, there is a serious Risk/Reward factor. (!) Using Nib on Raff is correct if your opponent has it. So using Raff and then resolving D Shifter after is even harder. You can't use the Special Summon effect of Vesiculo either. Can banish Holeutea. Harder to recycle Holes if needed. You can get away running 1 Gravedigger's since you don't tend to go into Raff as much. D Shifter doesn't contribute to the Trix game plan specfically and takes up a card in your hand when you see it so Shade is preferred over Exceed. Reasoning below.
Droll + Durendal Applications
Since Droll & Lock Bird is Main Decked this format, Durendal is better than ever. The 2nd effect can be used to essentially perform the Droll + Reincarnation handloop with both cards appliying to both players. Yes, this scenario comes up. Of note, activating the 2nd effect of Durendal requires 1 player minimum to have card(s) in hand and also Cannot be activated after the effect of Droll resolves.
How to perform: After your opponent has added cards to their hand, in the chain following this, you have to activate Durendal as CL1 and Droll as CL2. Resolve backwards, Droll applies to both players. Then Durendal resolves as much as possible by shuffling all hands into the deck and the effect stops here because cards cannot be added to the hand via Droll. (And then resolve any trigger effects on the chain.)
Durendal the main purpose for the Ptolmaeus package is still mainly used for the first effect to protect your board as long as you control a S/T. (Arachnocampa can be chained to alleviate losing a card.) Evenly has dropped off in use but the threat still exists and can still deal with impactful cards nonetheless.
Ptolmaeus Package Other Uses
Why Durendal > Cyber Dragon Infinty? There are fringe scenarios like if Durendal responded to Lightning Storm, the effect has applied and another copy of Lightning Storm cannot be activated. Infinity and Solemn Judgement cannot beat 2 copies of it. The other purpose being to optimize what your ED card slots do. Cydra Nova is just a stepping stone into a better card and nothing else. Stellarknight Constellar Diamond has a use.
The worst matchup is Branded Despia. Nothing else comes close. Diamond helps alleviate the issue by being able to negate and destroy Albaz from fusing away your board and preventing Branded Fusion among other things.
Stellarknight Deltaros mostly exists as a material to be attached to Ptolmaeus turn 1. (You need Bottomless to cover Albaz) Otherwise being able to overlay in MP2 is the way to go if possible. Diamond was the best mandatory card for Durendal because it served another decent use. So... Deltaros exists to make the Diamond turn 1 play more accessible. Fluff essentially. If Diamond isn't good in a meta, no reason to play a material for it. Even now it's not necessary. You can cut it if you want to.
Shade > Exceed
Currently the Plan B for some decks if they eat a D Shifter or Droll is that they make Bagooska. Exceed loses to this and Shade doesn't care. Shade also works around Gold Pride Punk using a EMZ and blocking up the zone below Sera with an unlinkable token. Kashtira can do something similar. Can enable the ignition effect of TrapTrip Garden in some scenarios.
Shade was already the better extender if you opened only 1 because it gives you a hole guaranteed. Yes, Exceed makes Sera + 2 Xyz endboards much easier to do but you never really needed to do so. Some hands still gve you the option. Shade + Holeutea is fine but workable. Also you would prefer for Shade to get banished than Holeutea if Redoer has to flee. Shade is just a card by itself that doesn't need too much to happen unlike Exceed and D Shifter can remove the drawback and make it live if drawn as your 6th card.
[Main Deck Choices]
Since Evenly and Imperm aren't mained it lowered the Trap count drastically for the Trap discard for Holeutea. So having 5 Holes seems fine in theory but could be lowered. You still want a minimum of 1 Grave, Flood and Bottomless. (Anti- Albaz) Terrifying and Nightmare just exist for flavor/ coverage. You can do 2 Grave but it isn't as desirable. Anything that aren't the minimum can be switched. You still want to play Vesiculo but it isn't mandatory. For generic Trap cards, TT is still a powercard. Overoot serves as a decent multi use card but it's more tempo based than to give you card advantage. Main deck S/T removal that can deal with Skill Drain, Runick Fountain, ect. Hurts Kashtira temporarily, generic GY disruption. Decent and useful in many matchups.
Ash conflicts with Droll a bit but It's there to double down on the Branded hate. Mained to optimize Side Deck spots. Can switch out or bump to 3. This is a reference point after all. Running 8 Handtraps give you the best chance to open 1 exclusively if that's what you are looking for.
[Side Choices]
Of course the side should adapt to your meta but I feel like this covers a lot of bases. Judgment is a staple. D Barrier too and for Branded hate. Evenly could be something else? Gameciel could be Dark Ruler maybe? Backrow removal like Cosmic Cyclone hits important things like Runick Fountain as well as Skill Drain and other Floodgates. I believe putting D Shifter in the side would hamper you. Ash and 1 Pot are easy side outs. Maybe 1 Hole or generic Traps depending on the Matchup? You have choices.
Edit: Clarifications.
I hope my explanations served you well.