This is my take at building a "Traptrix" deck. The "Traptrix" archetype features a small arsenal of Level 4 monsters which not only interact with their own archetype but also search an play "Hole" Normal Trap cards quite extensively. Together with their Extra Deck monsters in form of two Link and two Xyz monsters, they stop the opposing monster summons to create an opening for attacks. But let us take a look at what cards I have thrown together for better understanding:
The Main Deck features of the following monster cards: Three copies of "Traptrix Myrmeleo" and three copies of "Traptrix Mantis" work as our Normal Summons, with "Traptrix Myrmeleo" searching the deck for a "Hole" Normal Trap card on Normal Summon, while "Traptrix Mantis" gives us access to a "Traptrix" monster from the deck when Normal Summoned. Both are also useful outside of being Normal Summoned with "Traptrix Myrmeleo" bringing an in-archetypal backrow removal effect while "Traptrix Mantis" can bounce the own backrow and set cards from the hand as a Quick Effect, which has some interaction with archetypes like "Artifacts" but mainly serves to dodge targeting effects like "Mystical Space Typhoon" or "Cosmic Cyclone" in this deck. One of the targets for the search effect of "Traptrix Mantis" is "Traptrix Ginalloa", the newest Main Deck monster and a solid member of the archetype overall. For the cost of sending one of your "Hole" Trap cards to the graveyard she can Special Summon herself from the hand, therefore giving you another body on the field if every works out without disruption while giving you another try at building a board if the Normal Summon was negated earlier that turn. She also can banish herself from the graveyard to recycle a Trap card from your graveyard which also help fighting the battle against the opposing summons. "Traptrix Ginalloa" also helps the deck by sending a Trap to the graveyard by giving a solid start to the last two "Traptrix" Main Deck monsters in this deck in form of two copies of "Traptrix Dionaea" and a single copy of "Traptrix Genlisea". "Traptrix Dionaea" is very useful since she offers more Trap recycling on Special Summon and can therefore bring the Trap back the "Traptrix Ginalloa" used while "Traptrix Dionaea" is also the "Traptrix" version of a "Monster Reborn" on legs when Normal Summoned. "Traptrix Genlisea" has only one effect, but she is no slouch either since she can tribute herself to fetch two Trap cards, one from the deck and one from the graveyard, to put onto your field. The rest of the Main Deck monsters is made up of three copies of "Parallel eXceed", which can Special Summon itself as a Level 4 monster when you summon your Link-1 monster in form of "Traptrix Sera" and then fetches another copy of itself from the deck which also enters the field as a Level 4 monster and therefore sets you up nicely to go into a Rank 4 Xyz summon. Lastly, I play three copies of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" for the obvious use as a handtrap against deck searching effects the opponent might try to pull off.
The Spell card section, as you can see, is quite barren with only a single copy of "Double or Nothing!" which is used for the "Utopia Double" engine and basically allows you to produce a 10000 ATK beater as a Rank 4 Xyz monster. There are a few more Trap cards though: I run two copies of "Trap Trick" as a solid Trap card searching option, and its effect is also the reason why so many of the Trap cards are in the deck as a pair. "Time Space Trap Hole", "Bottomless Trap Hole", "Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare", "Gravedigger's Trap Hole" and "Floodgate Trap Hole" all are in the deck at a copy count of two and all provide destruction, negation and/or control effects in various situations. The non-"Hole" Trap cards consist of three copies of "The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine" to gain additional bodies for Rank 4 Xyz summons and, more importantly, to trigger "Traptrix Sera" during your first turn without the delay you would normally have when playing Trap cards. An additional three copies of "Infinite Impermanence" keeps the opposing effect monsters at bay.
The Extra Deck looks as follows: Xyz-wise, there is one copy of "Traptrix Rafflesia" as field protection for your other "Traptrix" monsters and as a handy effect to fire off "Hole" Trap card directly from the deck, one copy of "Traptrix Allomerus" for various summoning schenanigans, the "Utopia Double" package featuring one copy of "Number 39: Utopia Double" and one copy of "Number 39: Utopia" to ram into your opponent for the aforementioned 10000 ATK, one copy of "Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir" as a stall option, one copy of "Tornado Dragon" as Quick Effect backrow removal, and one copy of "Abyss Dweller" to keep the opponent from using the graveyard. The Link monsters feature three copies of "Traptrix Sera", who is your main play-enabler which searches and summons/places monsters and Traps directly from the deck, one copy of "Traptrix Utricularia" as a fun little gimmick and solid option in grind games, one copy each of "Knightmare Phoenix", "Knightmare Cerberus", and "Knightmare Unicorn" to destroy backrow/frontrow respectively while having the big boy to send things back into the deck, and one copy of "Borrelsword Dragon" for the usual beatdown/game-ending Link-4 play.
While certainly not my favorite deck playstyle-wise, I do have to admit that these carnivorous girls can put quite a nasty board together, and the newest support cards helps them both in making the deck more viable while also providing the creative players with more tools and gimmicks to make use of. The times when "Traptrix" only really worked as an engine together with some other archetype are definitely over, they form a solid deck that rightly deserve the amount of fans it gathered over the years. If you want to know some more about the "Traptrix" archetype, feel free to visit my archetype analysis about them by clicking the link here: