This Deck plays mainly around three cards : Angelic Statue - Azurune, The embodiment of Apophis and Statue of Anguish Pattern. These three cards are your main way to interact with your opponent, as Azurune negates a summon, Apophis negates up to three or four monster effects and Anguish Pattern can pop cards on a non-once per turn. To help them, three monsters can be really useful : Qardan the great Sage help you recover your ressources and gives you the ability to play something a trap on your first turn, Pharaonic Advent gets you any trap you need and Lord of the Heavenly Prison can protect your traps and can get you anyone of them if you activate another.
After that, every pot is here for consistency and the other are tech cards that can be useful in some situations. For the extra Deck, its mostly a toolbox that you make to attack and put pressure, I play the rank-ups only for fun, dont be afraid of replacing them if you feel like it.
This Deck is more of a fun Deck (more for you than for your opponent probably) because of the general lack of good trap monsters except of your main three, but with the right hand you can probably beat lots of Decks. I hope you'll have fun playing or just learning that this Deck existed.