The main strategy involves using Summon Limit, There Can Be Only One, and Mystic Mine to control against the opposing field. Mystic Mine may seem counterintuitive at first but aids tremendously in stalling the opponent during situations where Toon Kingdom has been removed off the field and in circumstances where activating this card may genuinely help replenish the hand and circumvent the duel. Toon World is used during situations where the opponent has already swarmed several monsters and is used in conjunction with Mystic Mine to achieve plays (particularly with Toon Black Luster Soldier whose banishing properties help cripple the opponent's field slowly.) Pot of Extravagance and Reckless Greed aids in providing the deck the necessary draw power. On the other hand, Waking The Dragon helps in surprising the opponent and stunning them (such as with Bagooska) or simply making it more difficult for the opponent to deal with the field (such as with Raidraptor-Ultimate Falcon). All the other cards are pretty standard. The real player, however, in the deck, isn't really Mystic Mine or even Toon Kingdom though, as There Can Be Only One pretty much fuels the deck's control power strangely enough (being one of the few decks that can make genuine use of it actually helps it a lot.) If Mystic Mine ever gets banned lol there's still a lot of interesting options to choose from.