I know I'm late to the party, but I had made a Paleozoic Frog deck after the MR5 Banlist for the TCG. The deck just isn't the same without 3 or even 2 Toadally Awesome, but I decided to make do with what I had.
The reason why I named this deck "Toadally Screwed" isn't to lament my favorite control deck getting nerfed. It's because it runs an engine of 3 Fury of Kairyu-Shin and 3 Torrential Tribute. Fury of Kairyu-Shin works moderately well in this deck. After searching Torrential Tribute with it, and then summoning a Frog with Toadally Awesome or summoning a Paleo trap, you can protect your monsters with Fury's graveyard effect.
Hopefully, Konami will pull their heads out of their *ss and just limit Bahamut Shark instead, since it contributed to Toadally Awesome getting Limited.