One of the great joys of Yugioh, for me anyway, is to sit on completely degenerate cards and stall the duel out to ridiculous degrees in order to annoy my opponent to no end. It should come as no surprise then that Timelords are one of my most favorite decks, with their strategy being summon no more than 1, max 2, monsters onto the field and keep reducing your opponents life points in the slowest way possible, or get rid of their on board that they took 20 minutes to build.
The deck is designed to go second, the deck has almost no first turn plays as most of your monsters gain effects whilst they're attacking, or after battle. Hence why 3 copies of Mystic Mine, a perfectly balanced and skillful card (sarcasm) has amazing synergy with the deck, as stated above you will rarely have more than 1 monster on the field, so why not go the extra mile and insure your opponents hate you with a burning passion?
Strategy is very simple, first priority is to get Michion on field, halve your opponent's life points and stall until it's time on the round. Depending on your opponent's board you might want to prioritize getting rid of their back row or monsters which is where Zaphion and Metaion come in. The draw cards are self explanatory, Advance Draw is a fantastic card to get rid of a Timelord before the end phase so that mystic mine can be kept in play, the same goes for Celestial Transformation as it will destroy the said monster during the end phase. The traps help with consistency and add even more draw power, and activating Infinite Light is pretty much a game ender as your opponent will have a real hard time getting rid of your monsters. Unless they drop down a kaiju or something but hey, deck has to have a weakness.
Side deck is filled with stuff to help you get rid of really problematic cards, Extravagance is there as card to experiment with as the extra deck is of almost no importance, however it does prevent you from drawing more cards which could conflict with using an Advance Draw, feel free to make any adjustments to it, I suggest teching in an Artifact Scythe and Sanctuary for some turn 1 options.
As much as I'm hyping these guys up they don't win as often as you'd like, any form of effect negation or spinning or non-destruction removal will shut these things down harder than a beaten up toaster, however if you like your duels to be nice and slow you'll have a lot of fun with the deck on a somewhat casual level. Hell, you might even take some opponents by surprise and get a few wins on tournaments, who knows.