This deck is an upgrade I made of the Timelord deck when playing Master Duel, I managed to go up to Platinium 4 with this decklist.
You can easily OTK with one timelord (any), and bringing Eldlich to the field, going into Gustav Max, activate its effect for 2000 burn damage then Super Dora at 6000 atk and going for the kill for a total of 8000 damage in one turn. You can also execute this strategy on another turn with the metal slime.
You can also play it as a classic Timelord burn deck as you have all the cards required to do so, you'd want to first attack with michion to bring down the opponent lp to 4000 then finish with either Sandaion, Raphion or Eldlich. Bear in mind that Eldlich is a level 10 monster that also benefit from the protection of Mound of the bound creator and its burn effect.
The addition of the Eldlich engine also allows you to pop problem cards that plagued traditional Timelord deck such as Skill Drain.
Bear in mind though that activating the graveyard effect of Time Maiden or the field effect of Eldlixir of Black Awakenening locks you from playing your extra deck combos, otherwise you're free to play as you want. You should also play the field effect of Eldlixir of Black Awakening at the end of your combo so it doesn't lock you from summoning other monster types.