Timelord Control
Rating: 8/10
- Strong control deck
- Has an answer to pretty much every threat
- Lots of searching through sangan and mill effects
- Loses often to very fast pressure
- Requires metagame understanding to pilot sucessfully
- Games go VERY LONG with this deck, especially vs control decks.
- When playing this deck, always go for card advantage over pressure.
- Try not to use desires before already having searched out key cards
Book of Moon can prevent timelords from shuffling into deck
- Mill effects are also MST due to
Shaddoll Dragon
Pot of Extravagance &
Heavy Storm Duster (Co-Pair)
Sky Striker Ace - Raye &
Eater of millions (Co-Pair)
Solemn Warning &
Solemn Strike (Co-Pair)