The main card you are going to want to see in your opening hand is time thief regulator. It allows you to end on 7 negates or more.
Cards you could use:
Hand traps (per maeta)
Performage Package
PSY-Frame Package
Luna the Dark Spirit
Dark Ruler No More
Called by the Grave
Allure of Darkness
Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops
Cards you could take out:
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
Dogmatika Theo, the Iron Punch
Rokket Caliber
Crusadia Maximus
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
Crusadia Draco
One Day of Peace
Dark World Dealings
Quick Launch (If you take out Rokket Caliber)
Raidraptor - Final Fortress Falcon(could also use Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon)+ Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon
Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon
Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon (would recommend not doing this)
Tornado Dragon (per meta)
Abyss Dweller (per meta)