Hello and welcome to yet another (you guessed it!) Dragon link build!! Dragon link stays strong and is still one of the best decks of the format. Some decks like Drytron, Virtual World and Zoo-Eldlich are clearly better but dragon link is not out of the game yet. A mere linkross ban cannot keep this deck from going down tiers. If I were to rank dragon link in the current metagame, I would give it a solid tier 1.5 (Tier 1 would be Drytron, VW and Eldlich). Another thing to consider is that Dragon link Took 1st in the 3v3 LCS 10!! There were more than 300 players participating in this tournament and dragon link still found it’s way to the top (Insert Sam saying “I TOLD YOU!!!” Here). 1st place was taken by Gabriel Netz and his team and this build I have today is inspired off of his build but has differences.
Before Doing the deck explanation, I just wanted to thank everyone here at YGOPROdeck for all the support. This is deck #30 for me and I have already hit over 115,000 total views for my decks here on YGOPROdeck!! To me this means a lot and I feel like it is amazing being able to communicate with so many people. Thanks for the support!
Just a quick reminder that the deck explanation, All the combos and explanations on ways to best use your resources are ALL on my Youtube video. Subscribing to the channel would be a great way to support me and the channel!
Changes I am making to my build (compared to my older versions) -
I am not playing VFD - this is not a deck revolving around using VFD as the main negate/win condition. It uses several different kinds of interruptions to disrupt the opponent. It uses specific interruptions designed to counter the top tier decks of the current metagame. For example, Heradic seal and Dragonmaid Tidying are used to bounce back cards to the opponent’s hand - this is an amazing way to counter Zoodiac (very reliant on normal summon) and Virtual world (gets rid of the card targets for the VW monsters) and is also a high impact interruption which can be used to get rid of walls like Dragoon and Final Sigma as well (bounce does not target or destroy) and Number 68 completely exodia obliterates Drytron and is also effective against eldlich and other graveyard reliant decks.
I am playing a 40 card deck - To increase consistency this was needed. This deck is also not playing bricks (except PSY-Driver which does not count) so it is completely ok to play 40 cards because the main reason Dragon link played bricks in the first place was to reduce the risk of drawing bricks, but since this deck plays only 1 brick, it is fine to play 40. The 1st place deck also played 40 cards.
I am not running black metal - Again, I needed to make the deck 40 cards and there wasn’t space for this. Also, since decks like Drytron are in the metagame, the popularity of skull mister is gone up and Black metal is a skull mister target. I just felt like Seyfert and Chaos space were more than enough. Seyfert and space also have the protection of GAMMA.
I am running Chamber Dragonmaid and Dragonmaid Tidying - This was because Tidying is such a strong trap and is very high impact. Chamber can serve as the normal summon and since the deck just plays so many extenders, the deck can afford to play Chamber as a normal summon instead of something like seyfert. Normal summoning Chamber is better than normal summoning something like rokket tracer. Chamber can also be summoned off of elpy if not drawn. Tidying also serves as a monster reborn for the following turn and that will allow chamber to search another tidying if you need to play the grind game.
Composition of the deck -
Starters (cards you usually normal summon to get the combo going - there are ones that do not require the normal summon but almost all the starters get you into a romulus)
For starters (get it? Starters? Nvm) I am playing 3 Chamber Dragonmaid, 3 Seyfert, 3 Chaos Space, 1 Black Dragon and 1 White Dragon. Chamber does not get you into a romulus and requires an extra extender to work with but is a great card since it increases the disruptions on the endboard by 1 in the form of a very high impact trap card - Dragonmaid tidying. This is well worth the extender and chamber is also something’s summoned off of elpy. Seyfert and chaos space (the best starter) are to search the chaos dragons and can be protected from ash blossom with gamma. If one of the chaos dragons are drawn, with any normal summon of the other attribute (light or dark) it is basically a starter on its own. Chaos space can also search lavineer and if you manage to not banish seyfert, you can even mill lavineer with ravine, use seyfert to add back lavineer and search anything else with Brotaur!!
Extenders (cards that extend your plays and help if you get hit with handtraps)
The extenders are - 3 Quick launch, 3 World Legacy, 3 Noctovision, 1 brotar and 1 Lavineer. No explanation needed for those, all of those will help you extend plays.
Combo extenders (cards that extend your combo, put up additional disruptions and are good to see in hand but cannot help you if you get handtrapped in most cases)
They are - 3 Tracer, 2 synchron, 1 recharger, 1 absorouter and 2 Tidying. All of these cards help your plays and combos in setting additional interruptions - watch my video for knowing how these help the combo, you need to actually know the combo to understand why these cards help.
I am running 3 ash and 3 gamma, very self explanatory.
Soft Bricks
They are (one each) PSY-Driver, Boot Sector and Dragon Ravine. Soft bricks simply mean a -1, nothing too dangerous.
Cards in this deck that counter the current meta -
Notice that cards from the side deck are also included. The stuff in parenthesis is what the card counters in that deck, if there is no parenthesis, it means it counters the deck in general. Ash is not in this list since it counters literally everything. Basic interruptions such as seal, savage, and tidying are not mentioned unless they specifically counter a certain deck - they also counter literally anything but I choose not to add them in. And yes Tri-brigade and rocks are meta now.
Drytron - number 68 (hardcounter), droll (hardcounter), nibiru, droplet (ruler and ultimateness)
Eldlich - hfd and cosmic cyclone (backrow removal), lancea (side deck), lavineer (can pop backrow), unchained (pops) and basic removal cards, number 68
Zoodiac (all to counter zeus) - dinowrestler, kaijus, nibiru, droplet, tidying and seal (zoo is very relient on normal summon)
Virtual World - droplet (VFD and shenshen), gamma(VFD), cosmic cyclone (banishes chuche - makes them unable to combo), nibiru (not always useful since number 75 is in VW), seal and tidying (get rid of the targets for the VW monsters), kaiju (shenshen), dinowrestler (shenshen), droll, lancea
Bird up! Tri-Brigade - droplet (apex avian and zeus), lancea (hardcounter), kaijus and dinowrestler (zeus and apex avian), nibiru, seal and tidying (relient on certain combo pieces to resolve)
Adamancipators - nibiru, droplet (for the multiple negate endboard), kaijus and dinowrestler (break endboard), tidying and seal (fairly relient on normal summon)
Conclusion - Dragon link is a solid meta contender and I would rank it (in the current metagame) a tier 1.5 deck. It is definitely not the best deck or anything, in my opinion Drytron, Virtual World and Eldlich outrank it (tier 1 decks) but Dragon link is still a great meta choice. If you want to win more, I would recommend playing one of the other 3 decks but Dragon link can also win duels - just that the other 3 decks are a little better. If you are like me you would play dragon link anyway!! The deck can easily go anti meta and fares fairly well against the top 3 meta contenders but loses easily to NIBIRU. I think in the end it all comes down to how familiar you are with the deck, if you are confident and familiar with this deck - I saw go for it beat all the other meta contenders and show them who’s on top!!! Dragon link best deck lets goooo!
Just a quick reminder that the deck explanation, All the combos and explanations on ways to best use your resources are ALL on my Youtube video. Subscribing to the channel would be a great way to support me and the channel!
Also make sure to answer the poll question in the comments! Today’s poll question is: If you had to rank all the yugioh anime, what order would you rank them and what score would you give each of them out of 10?
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