Hi everyone! This is my first submission for a deck on this website. I like to play some more competitive and rogue decks - like Sharks XYZ and PK P.U.N.K, but always have a spot to play "fun/casual" decks as well because, why not? This is one of these decks.
I first got inspired to build this deck after watching DarkArmedDuelist's profile from a year ago. After facing so many control decks, I was wondering what kind of deck would be fun to play that is not in the current meta, and could handle certain decks and playstyles, like Swordsoul. Meklords seemed like an interesting anti-synchro deck, and also had the means to out back-row heavy decks, like Mystic Mine Burn, or even Eldlich. But I knew it wasn't strong enough on it's own. That's when I remembered King Regulus was a card, and could equip machines in the graveyard... and that's how we got to here.
The main idea of the deck revolves around two cards: Meklord Army Recruiter Obbligato, and Meklord Nucleus Infinity Core. These cards enable you to either pop the core to bring out one of your emperors (Weisel for spell negates, or Granel to do some damage), or obbligato to bring out two Meklord army monters - which enable either xyz plays, or link plays. By sending enough of these monthers to the graveyard, you can also build up a pool of monsters with different names, which is what you need to bring out Astro Dragon - which can equip a monster from your opponent's extra deck to boost it's attack power (and potentially attack multiple times as well).
This deck also plays a lot of going second staples - like DRNM and Feather Duster - to help clear your opponent's board and limit their interuptions/floodgates that could limit your play options. And by adding Therion cards, as well as Kaiju's and Lava Golem in the side deck, it also helps you tribute over monsters that would cause you trouble. And with Astro Dragon Triskelion, you can usually equip an ED monster large enough to get over your own Kaiju.
This deck is by no means perfect, but I hope you enjoy the idea!