Side Deck

2024-05-08 03:39:47
+ 1Multi-Universe+ 1One for One+ 1Golden Rule+ 1Yubel - Terror Incarnate+ 1Rainbow Bridge of Salvation+ 1Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus+ 1Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy+ 1Crystal Bond+ 1Rainbow Bridge of the Heart+ 1Crystal Miracle+ 1Garura, Wings of Resonant Life+ 1Advanced Dark+ 1Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates+ 1Crystal Keeper+ 1Adularia of the June Moon+ 1Supply Squad+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat+ 1Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle+ 1Masked HERO Divine Wind+ 1Gruesome Grave Squirmer+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1D.D. Crow+ 1Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju+ 1Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare+ 1Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle+ 1Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat+ 1Crystal Blessing+ 1Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon+ 1Rainbow Overdragon+ 1Starving Venom Fusion Dragon+ 1Giant Trunade+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle+ 1Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise+ 1Crystal Brilliance+ 1Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever+ 1Super Polymerization+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Crystal Aegis+ 1Masked HERO Dark Law+ 1Summon Sorceress+ 1Samsara D Lotus+ 1Rainbow Bridge+ 1Pot of Acquisitiveness+ 1Nightmare Pain+ 1I:P Masquerena+ 1Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise+ 1Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth+ 1Predaplant Dragostapelia+ 1Muckraker From the Underworld+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger+ 1Painful Choice+ 1Yubel+ 1Rainbow Dark Dragon+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1Rainbow Dragon+ 1Phantom of Yubel+ 1Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle+ 1Ultimate Crystal Rainbow Dragon Overdrive+ 1Crystal Boon+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 1Crystal Conclave+ 1Eternal Favorite+ 1Spirit of Yubel+ 1Mature Chronicle+ 1Mask Change II+ 1Nightmare Throne+ 1Crystal Beacon+ 1Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger+ 1Effect Veiler

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