The strategy revolves around summoning The Sacred Beasts. There are alot of Continous Trap cards in this decks, because Uria requires it boost his attack. So i would recommend using Dark Summoning Beast on Hamon and Raviel.
However, there are some Fiends(or Spell Cards that let you summon Fiend Tokens) in the deck, so you can summon Raviel also quit easily.
You can also summong other high level monsters (such as Tragoedia, Neosphere and Metaltron) with ease.
The traps cards and continous Spell cards also be used as tributes for Metaltron, giving him extra protection. And he allows you to summon a Fusion, Synchro or XYZ-monster once he gets destroyed.
The Tricky is in the deck to get more Continous Traps in the grave for Uria.