Deck used for the Synchro portion of Yu-Gi-Oh: Through The Ages.
This deck focuses on using 4 different engines to summon the Clear Wing Synchro Monsters, Black Rose Dragon, and the different forms of Odd-Eyes.
The Odd-Eyes Engine is there for bringing out powerful monsters such as Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon or using Nobledragon Magician's Effect to Special Summon itself by targeting an Odd-Eyes and lowering it's LVL to 4 allowing for a quick LVL 7 Synchro!
The Adventure Engine is used to gain quick card advantage and utilizing the LVL 4 Tokens that are generated to use with the multiple LVL 4 or 5 Tuners in the Deck. Wandering Gryphon is not only there for protection, but also a LVL 7 Monster to be used with the LVL 1 Tuning Magician, to create Tilting Entertainment or using itself as 1 piece of Material for the Link Summon of Beyond the Pendulum!
Performapals shine on the stage by granting searches to not only others of their own troupe, but Odd-Eyes and Pendulum Magicians themselves, allowing others to quickly join the show!
And lastly the Pendulum Magicians themselves are the true stars of the show with access to not only a numerous amount of scale range, but the access to Tuners! With Harmonzing Magician, not only you obtain a LVL 4 Tuner, but if Pendulum Summoned, you can call on yet ANOTHER Magician!
THIS DECK WAS MADE PURELY FOR FUN to challenge my friends who are also running mainly Synchro Cards. So with that being said, Smile Action is there to lighten the mood and add a bit of chance to not only your plays, but your opponents too!
The deck itself performed well, with only bricking ONCE out of 5 duels! (2 Tuning Magicians in the first hand.)
Rest assured, The Oddly Adventures of the Peforming Magicians won't end here. On to the next age...Ritual!