This deck is not like the others. There's no Mystic Mine, no Obliterate, no Incarnate, and this isn't one of those burner decks where you just burn cards to thin out your deck until you get all 5 pieces. All of those strategies are boring, no fun and everyone else uses them. They have ruined Exodia and have given the deck a bad name. No, this is a 100% original strategy to get all 5 pieces of Exodia legitimately. I spent months and months working on this deck and I'm honestly very proud of it. There are some things that need to be worked out but this deck is BY FAR the best Exodia Deck there is. I'll let everyone test the deck out for themselves and see what they think. But for this deck to be successful, you need to know a few things.
This deck has 2 huge strengths that are the main focus point.
Link Summoning - Summon either Blue Dragon Summoner, Witch of the Black Forest or Jester the Fiend Jester and use them with Magician's Circle. If you have Trap Trick, you can set magician's Circle and Activate it on the same turn. This lets you summon an extra monster. After doing that, switch to Main Phase 2 and Link Summon any of the Monster that you can. This sends both pieces to the GY, getting you 2 Exodia pieces on 1 turn. If you can, preferably Link Summon Wee Witch's Apprentice or Wynn, the Wind Charmer. When destroyed you get to add another Dark Spellcaster or Wind Monster to your hadn't which really comes in handy.
This strategy works best if you have Inferno Reckless Summon in your hand. If you do, when it's time to choose a monster to Special Summon for Magician's Circle. MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE BLUE DRAGON SUMMONER! This is important because this will activate Inferno Reckless Summon. This lets you Special Summon 2 other Blue Dragon Summoner's to the field. Now you can link Summon all 3 of them (Blue Dragon Summoner's effect isn't once per turn) AND ALSO the first monster you attacked with Magician's Circle. That's 4 monsters being sent to the Graveyard which gets you 4 Exodia pieces.
The 2nd Strategy is for Draw of Fate. But I'm going to keep that to myself for now. Comment or message me if you're curious on what the strategy is. I know you probably think you got it already. But there's a lot more to it then you think.
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