This is my first deck posted, hopefully the first of many more to come! :)
This deck combines 4 engines together and they work harmoniously together! This deck seeks to control the board with Raptite and Koa'ki Meiru until it can get Fossil monsters out for an OTK. This deck features 17 starters out of 45 cards, so this deck is relatively consistent.
- Koa'ki Meiru for field control and resources. Destroys themselves to fill graveyard with rock monsters allowing for fossil fusions. Ties of the Brethren allows for summons of 3 Koa'ki Meiru to provide negates and rank 4 plays.
- Adamancipator increases consistency amongst rock monsters with excavations and provide sychro access to Raptite and more importantly, Dragite.
- Fossil with their fusion card allows access to powerful fossil fusion monsters by fusing rock monsters in your graveyard along with a monster in your opponents graveyard, kind of like Invocation. Fossil monsters have powerful piercing attacks making OTKs easier to achieve.
- Neos Fusion to summon Brave Neos to the field sends directly from the deck a level 4 monster as part of it's material, allowing you to send Weathering Soldier to graveyard to search Fossil Fusion.
This deck is meant to be as budget as possible, so expensive cards like Adamancipator Researcher ($50+ USD right now) are taken out. Block Dragon is for free summon and rock monster searches. Nemeses Keystone is for recycling banished rock monsters.
Notable cards that can be added to this deck are: Magnet Reverse, Mathmatician, Keeper of Dragon Magic, Rock Bombardment, Gigantes and Tackle Crusader.