This deck can be used to FTK your opponent by summoning Arcana Force XXI The World by summoning The Agent of Creation - Venus or Diviner of The Herald, and can use your hand traps such as Crossout Designator, Called by The Grave, or Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to prevent your opponent from interupting your combo with their own hand traps.
summon The Agent of Creation - Venus, use it's effect to summon 3 mystical shineballs from your deck or hand, link summon into union carrier, use union carrier's effect to equip from your hand or deck Eva on mystical shineball or Venus, then link summon Ptotector of The Agents- Moon, use both Moon's effect to send Majesty Hyperion to the graveyard AND Eva's effect to banish 2 fairy light monsters from your graveyard in order to add to your hand The Agent of Life- Neptune and D.D. Sprite, then banish Union carrier in order to special summon D.D. Spite and use Neptune's effect to send it to the graveyard in order to special summon Venus from your graveyard, then banish Neptune in order to special summon Majesty Hyperion, use Neptune's effect to add The Sanctuary in The Sky to your hand, activate The Sanctuary in The Sky, and then link summon Celestial knightlord Parshath by using Moon and Venus treating Moon as 2 link materials, use Parshath's effect to add Arcana force The World to your hand by discarding one card from your hand,then activate Light Barrier if you have it on your hand, then link summon using D.D. Sprite and Majesty Hyperion into kryston halqifibrax, use both parshath's effect to summon the world by banishing a fairy monster from your graveyard that is lower level than The World's level AND kryston's effect to special summon jet synchron, use The World's effect applying light barrier to chose Heads effect or if you dont have light barrier flip a coin, if its Heads end your turn, use The World's effect to skip your opponent's next turn by sending kryston and jet synchron to the graveyard and moning the turn right back at you, since this turn after your opponent's turn got skipped was the the 2nd turn and now is the 3rd turn and not the 1st you can perform battle phase this turn, use parshath's effect to add The Agent of Mystery- Earth to your hand and summon it, then banish venus from your graveyard or moon to special summon Majesty Hyperion, perform the battle phase and attack with all your monsters and that's it you won the duel, however if the effect of the world is tails, synchro summon using jet synchron and kryston into mecha phantom beast auradon, special summon 3 tokens use its effect to summon best o-lion by using parshath and auroradon, synchro summon Hyper Librarian to the extra monster zone, use o-lion's effect to special summon a token, special summon jet synchron by discarding one card, and synchro summon into cupid pitch, increase cupid's level to 5, then synchro summon borreload savage dragon and equip parshath from your graveyard and use cupid's effect to add creation resonator to your hand, special summon creation resonator and synchro summon using the world and resonator to Psychic End Punisher, or synchro summon using the world and o-lion to barrone de fleur to the extra monster zone and then use jet synchro's effect to special summon it, cupid pitch and synchro summon boreload savage dragon then add nemeses corridor to your hand, special summon nemeses and then special summon thunder dragon colosus.
if you don't have Venus in your hand, you can still normal summon Earth to add Venus to your hand then use Neptune's effect to summon Venus.
another one would be to summon Diviner of The Herald, send trias hierarchia to the graveyard, tribute the herald to special summon trias, use diviner of the herald's effect to synchro summon Masterflare Hyperion, send venus to the graveyard using Masterflare's effect, and proceed with the combo.
normal summon Earth, add to your hand Neptune, link summon into salamangreat almiraj, use Neptune's effect to special summon Earth, then link summon cryston halqifibrax and proceed with the combo
if you didn't go first you can still summon archlord krystia if you think or know your opponent might special summon a powerful monster
you can still use venus to make a board with borreload savage dragon, archlord krystia, baronne de fleur and thunder dragon colossus in 1 turn