Still just testing this deck a lot, it's my favorite deck and I'm still able to play against Maliss and Ryzeal (Though it takes time to get used to the lines for how to overcome those decks) Hopefully this at least gives you some ideas on how to play your own way if you're looking to get into this deck.
I ended up yapping a lot so I wrote it all down here just because, hope it helps at all! If you have anything to add or comment please do. Cheers!
Some notes:
I should mention this deck's insane tech first because with the new support this is the most simplisitic way to understand this deck's boss monster: Protos.
If you are playing vs Maliss, Protos can just rub his belly and the opponent can not special summon dark monsters for the whole turn (which means they can not play basically). Mula Adhara (a level 8 synchro which almost any combination in this deck can get to) can search for a field spell which can get you a card that ensures you can have Protos almost every game.
All you need to know is that Mula Adhara requires at least 2 wyrms in the GY to use his field search effect, meaning do not synchro him with just a swordsoul monster and a token. In that case, you're better off with Chixiao who can also get your a wyrm monster on summon.
Tenyinfinity will allow you to either get 'Heavenly Dragon Circle' or 'Vessel for the Dragon Cycle', both god tier cards. Which one you pick will entirely depend on your situation. Circle is perfect if you got a damn good board already and you're afraid of losing any of it, or even if you want to strengthen it and end on Protos. You can be unafraid of tributing Mula Adhara for Protos simply because he is a fighter not really a defensive pick, you would only want him on the board if you're going into a battle phase because with a Monk and him, you can deal 7k damage thanks to his ability to make two attacks during a battle phase.
You can also quick play this spell so if you're going to get nib'd, might as well chuck a wyrm!
Also Tenyinfinity has the option to switch to Flawless protection at the end phase for free, which if you have a non-effect or face down on board and your opponent special summons its a free two cards. Also keep in mind, Tenyinfinity allows you to tribute a wyrm and destroy a card on the field, though I don't often use this effect unless I am generating wyrm tokens already with Sahasrara and even then I'd rather have Flawless because it protects the tokens.
Protos requires you to banish 3 different attributes from your field or GY to special summon him. Keep this in mind while playing your turn, as well, Protos needs to activate his ability and have it resolve, meaning he is a prime target for Imperm or Effect Veiler. But if he resolves, his effect lingers until your next turn. Keep him in defense mode for the 3k tower.
While playing, always keep in mind your opponent's main attributes for this very reason and also keep in mind that Protos requires the attribute he wants to call on board to call it. You might think because of Mula's effect to not be destroyed that you can keep calling light but unforunately he is too fair and only has destruction protection against your opponent's effects. However; he himself is dark meaning if he comes out and he can resolve, you almost certainly can keep his effect alive every turn.
This card can special summon itself so long as you have a wyrm or non-effect monster on the field. It is also a level 4 so if you need to normal summon it you can. But most importantly, it can get you Sahasrara, our big boss monster for 4k life points if you use her to Synchro summon a wyrm monster.
Remember this: we are monks, we play with little defense. We dip our HP low for the POWER! Also chain block your search / draw effects with her to block Ash, very important.
With this guy, we can create free tokens to always keep a non-effect monster on board. And while we have a non-effect monster on board, your opponent can not target any effect monster (including their own) as well, they can not declare attacks against effect monsters. Just all around this card is awesome and between him and Protos, will be our best end boards though we have a ton of options and ways to play.
It is absolutely crucial to remember that you will be link summoning this monster, so do not block your zones (i.e. if you have monk on board, do not block the spot below him, his only link, when summoning him. I've learned this the hard way before!)
As well, try to use his effect every chance you get (once per turn, as a quick effect) combined with Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi, your tokens will be a massive issue for your opponent to get rid of or deal with.
Chaofeng in 5 Summons for Nib Protection
Opening Hand: Adhara + Mo Ye (+ Reveal) -> Baxia -> Chaofeng. This also prevents Fiendsmith from working.
If Mo-Ye gets negated, abandon this line unless you have Suruya in hand but be cautious that using Suruya's effect to summon a link monster will put you at 6 summons meaning you could get nib'd before Chaofeng is present.
Nib Protection Set-Ups:
Vessel for the Dragon Cycle is a god-tier card. I often think about running two of these but because Tenyinfinity can search it, but I almost always want this card every game. With a non-effect on board, you can put an Ashuna in grave and Suruya in hand, which is full combo.
* If you keep this in hand until you get nib'd, you can use nib token as a non-effect and put Ashuna in grave and Suruya in hand for a post nib full combo. If you use this before nib, you can still keep Ashuna in grave and Suruya in hand but note that Bystials are a threat to Ashuna.
Flawless Protection of the Tenyi makes your nib token grant you a draw 2 on special summon and the token is unaffected by monster effects. This is pretty powerful, if you have no way of getting nib protection but you can get Tenyinfinity / Flawless @ End Phase then just send it.
Icejade in this Meta:
You can really only summon this card with Longquan and only if you've not gotten wyrm locked by Ashuna, however; protection from banishment and destruction? Maliss and Ryzeal in one card? Yes please.
Some notes with Icejade you should know well:
1. She can chain her effect to anything and whatever she does chain her effect to gets banished. This means, if you chain her effect to White Binder, White Binder will get banished and her effect will linger for the whole turn. You can also chain her effect to something like Ash Blossom to prevent it from resolving. While it isn't a negate, it is a pretty powerful tool you should be considering while it is on the board. If you are afraid of Detonator just chaining itself twice, use it before your opponent has it on the board (or preferably when Duo Drive is coming out) for a lingering destruction protection.
2. If she is in the GY and your opponent banishes anything, she can special summon herself to the field from the GY. Against Maliss this is particularly good because if you get nibbed and she ends up in your graveyard, she will be back but there are tons of decks where she becomes just as much of a threat in the GY.
3. Her effect is lingering, which means if she resolves, that is it.
4. Bonus Sauce: If you use Blackout on your turn, you can chain Icejade to banish blackout and get a free token.
White Whale turn 2 board clear
You just need Mo-Ye and a reveal for this, Whale will destroy all attack position monsters on synchro summon, as long as you don't use Ashuna's effect from GY or Hand (wyrm lock) you can save this option if you need it. Whale also attacks twice on monsters and deals piercing damage on def monsters, Whale will also special summon itself from the grave if destroyed. This a sleeper move, never bad to have more options in your toolbelt.
Psychic End Punisher:
Level 7 + Level 4 Tuner (Suruya / Token / Ecclesia) - Make sure you are not wyrm locked by Ashuna.
Vishuda and Ashuna are level 7s you can special summon.
You can not use Suruya's effect if you synchro with her to make Punisher, because she can only use the effect for wyrm monsters.
However; if you can get him out and then use Suruya's effect, you'll be at a 4k LP difference meaning, he can gain at least 4k (or 3.8k if you used Longquan's effect) attack during battle phase (btw you can activate this during battle phase and her gains the ATK permanently, not just for the phase + he is unaffected by activated effects while you have lower LP)
This is a rare occasion but again, we like having tools. Here is an example set up:
Opening Hand: Ashuna, MoYe, Longquan, Any Swordsoul / Wyrm Card, Any other card.
1. SS Ahuna
2. Normal MoYe (Use Reveal)
3. Use Ashuna + Token for Punisher
4. SS Longquan (with Swordsoul or Wyrm Discard)
5. Use Ashuna from GY to SS Suruya (because you have token on board / non-effect monster)
6. Synchro Longquan + Suruya for a L10 Wyrm, pay for Sahasrara
Nib is of course your enemy but if you do manage to get to the end with Punisher, he is unaffected by Nib and you'll have a fat token and a boss monster on board (which you could use his effect to pay 1k and get rid of their Nib for even more punch)
Ok buddy, explain Kurikara and the side deck choices...
That is fair,
So Kurikara over Nib - We can't really utilize Nib, unforunately. You can run it and I have before but if you do end up having Nibiru the actual card on your board, you do not have many ways of getting rid of it which means you may be forced to use Suruya or something more valuable as a tribute for monk to get a non-effect on board to activate a lot of your effects. Don't get me wrong, it is certainly a powerful option but now hear me out: Kurikara can be saved until you have exhausted all your options, likely you'll find that every single monster today is using its effect to negate or destroy what you are putting out. Kurikara benefits from this as well, if you can keep her on the board until the end phase you can start special summong their monsters (i.e. take their white binder)
If you want to get rid of Nib, you can use Baxia but that seems like a waste, regardless it is an option.
Burial from a different dimension over Chaos Hunter / Lancea - Well we need to banish stuff and we can't really keep an effect monster on our board, I honestly run Chaos hunter most of the time when I know I'm going up against Maliss because we can discard wyrms no problem, truthfully that is the best option but I put the Burial card in there to show you the unique option. This card works against Maliss incredibly well but also if need be helps us versus Bystials which is another strong threat at the moment. It's nice when cards can serve more than one purpose, as well its not once per turn. My main focus of using this is waiting patiently for them to use GWC on White Binder on their turn and then putting whatever they are trying to banish back into the graveyard, effectively making their huge push worthless. You can also use it when they want to activate any Maliss trap on the same turn and get more bodies on the field. Ultimately I think this card is awesome and if your opponent somehow ends up with a full hand of bystials and not maliss monsters you still got options and you don't lock yourself out of banishing.
Lava Golem - I feel if you read all my yapping you understand this but, yeah we don't want effect monsters on our board. Pretty simple, they also can't really negate this and you have tons of ways to overcome this thing including putting it back into your hand with Baxia. Combined with Sinister's effect to keep burning and Longquan's 1200 pings, you can keep most players incredibly low.
Summon Breaker - Mula Adhara can search ANY field spell, this spell is awesome for saving you a turn because they will have to pass their battle phase. I recommend using this method versus Ryzeal, just make sure you keep enough in your hand and be warned that the effect still lingers against you as well.
I'm not claiming to be a pro or anything, I just really like this deck and I'll try to keep updating this page with anymore information I find or learn. If you want to win and be competitive this may not be your best bet but if you want to be one with the fist, hell yeah man. Card games are fun and trying to win with the deck you like against all odds is exciting to me, I don't mind losing a lot in this case. This is my deck and I love trying to be competitive. Always keep in mind the meta exists because of how easy it is to win with it or how it can overcome other things. This deck has a lot of weaknesses so you have to play a lot around your lose condition.