The Tenpai Lock deck is a creative, non-meta, budget-friendly control strategy designed to disrupt your opponent’s game plan while establishing your board presence. Built around versatile Synchro plays, this deck focuses on locking down your opponent’s options with key traps and spells while steadily building your win condition through well-timed combos.
This deck uses a mix of powerful hand traps like Ash Blossom and Effect Veiler Adjusted with Crossout, alongside efficient board-wipe spells such as Raigeki and Harpie’s Feather Duster to neutralize your opponent’s threats.
Overall, Tenpai Lock proves that you don’t need high-cost meta staples to dominate the field. It’s a fun, engaging deck for players who enjoy control strategies without a massive budget, perfect for locals or online ladder matches where creativity and timing are key.
- (Thirty hand retry) Good Hand 19/30 Bad Hand 8/30 or Average Hand 3/30 -