The idea is to get 15 (+1=16 from Tempest Magician) to burn your opponent for 8000 burn damage In one fell swoop.
For each 100-500 more than 8000 your opponent has just add 1 extra spell counter. They have 9000 from Upstart? 17 (+1 from Tempest Magician =18)
Kinda stally but overall not the hardest thing to pull off!
Citadel and Magical Exemplar are huge staples, Exemplar gets 2 spell counters for each spell played, and with Citadel out if its destroyed they go to Citadel.
You wanna use the very small Spellbook engine In the deck to draw 2 off one normal summon, or 1 special summon if you have the cards you need in your hand already and you summon Prophecy via Magician's Circle.