Aim of deck: Summon Triverr on Opponents turn using Wonder XYZ + 3 Tellarknigth monsters.
Strategy: If you think you are chosen one by the stars, then you should try this deck!
Shock your opponent with your CDS Xyz summoning skills and Summon a Winter Constellation on their turn, freezing your opponents cards and forcing them into refuge! Then discard their unlikely Mirror Force and shutdown their meta deck!! (*not always possible)
Worse than Kali Yuga and Archfiend, much less consistent, but fun to see what happens :P.
Consistency is about 1/4 or 25% (not taking into account hand traps/negates). A lot of draw power cards are needed to meet the conditions to summon Triverr on opponents turn. If you get a bad hand you can summon other xyz monsters. Overall, its just a deck in progress and i will apreciate any feedback or questions.
Weak to lock/handtraps/ any meta.
Main Deck:
-Danger cards: lvl 4 for xyz, and draw power, can send juggler/ or tellarknigth monsters to GY for later revival
-Double summon, to make it easier to summon 3 tellar monsters as your hand will not always be great
- Pot of desires: - only 10 tellarknigths and you dont need most cards, so it works as draw engine
-Avarice/ Ancient Leaf/ Hand Destruction - draw
-Double or Nothing - helps against strong monsters
-Skybridge - can trick your opponent when baiting them - use Deneb add Altair - chain this to OP effect and summon Vega, Vega summon Altair.
-Dugares (Number 60): for draw power
-Bagosooka: Against locks
Alternative Variants:
(not sure how these work bcoz never tried any, just ideas)
-tellar dragma artifacts
-tellar shadoll
-tellar, star seraph
- tellar synchro
Feel free to edit deck as you wish.