Optional Cards in Extra:
- Dharc the Dark Charmer - Depending on meta might switch out to Aussa or Eria, (going off that most people would run a dark monster, Dharc might be a better play card to steal from oppn GY to make Goddess)
Side Deck Explained:
- Garura = ez superpoly
- Guardian Chimera = ez super poly
- Aussa & Eria depending on meta to steal from Oppn GY
- Bagooska because we got a bad hand and we need time :)
- Additiona Super polys to make Mudragon and Garura plays
- Change of Heart - why not?
- Lightning storm & Feather Duster to field sweep
- System Down to Banish all your mirror match oppn's Arise-Heart and Dracossack on field and GY
- Called by the Grave is never bad
- Evenly Matched is not hard once per turn. They can only negate so many times. Evenly matched is also hard to counter since it make your oppn banished monster themselves. The best "going second card" ever
Countering stinky monsters that you just can't get rid of....
- Gameciel
- Underworld Goddess
- Super Poly
- ez Chakanine, Boarbow, Zeus combo (sees a lot of plays unfortunately), also great ez board wipe twice in one turn (most likely have to be used in Main 2) to get rid of mirror decks so Tearlaments can't reborn (if wiped twice, you will also have no cards but hopefully you will have cards in hand to full board in Main 2). Also, great for decks that turns off your GY