This deck is excatly what you expect, you ns a Tearalament, mill some cards, activate some gy effects, fusion summon a bunch of times and end on winda + some other stuff.
Here is the stuff which makes it different to shaddoll invoked:
It can make Winda in the opponents turn without using schism. How? Simple you use Haufenis to summon herself and mill 3 cards or If you went first end made your board with Kitkalos and Salic, you negate an opponents monster eff with salic and send Kitkalos to the gy to mill 5 cards. Then If you milled an Shaddoll and a Tearalament you can use those to summon Winda. It sounds pretty rng based at first, but in the end it comes up more often than you would expect, especially if you used Kitkalos to mill 5.
It has access to Bahamut Shark, so it can make Toadally Awesome! The basic combo would be Rainoheart + any other Tearalament: Ns Rainoheart, Send a Tearalament monster to the gy, fusion summon Kitkalos, eff Kitkalos to Send Rainoheart, eff Kitkalos to ss Rainoheart, Overlay both Rainohearts for Bahamut Shark while also getting a mill 5 off of Kitkalos.
You always have some fuel for your schism, since you mill your entire deck in a couple of turns.
And the last point is that you basically have infinite Windas since you can just use a tearlament to recycle the Winda, so 2 Windas are a infinite loop (Hey That's the dante/cir loop, but in better). Btw I play 3 Windas, just because.. ehm... actaully idk it either. You can probably replace it with something else like a 2nd Gravity Controller, Abyss Dweller or a link monster like Underworld Godess or Knigmare Unicorn.
Is it better than Shaddoll Invoked and Shaddoll Invoked Dogmatika?
Maybe, only time will tell, but there's definetley some potential here. It could definetley be better depending on the support we will get in Darkwing Blast, I personally think that it's either a Link-1 or another Fusion. And no matter what it is, if it's on the same level as the scareclaw link-1 then it could definetley be a meta contender.
So yeah that's for the Shaddoll varient, next up is tearalaments despia/branded, Oh man that's gonna be fun..., until then!