a very Techincal unicorn themed deck. has multipul "outs" how ever unconventional thinking is needed to exicute "outs" when facing a "meta" deck.
this deck is set up as a tag-duel format and the side deck is soley for converting into a regular duel. this has a small melffy engin for easy searches mainly into Handigalop if lp difrence is too great or is just generly needed (handigalop = panic card).
some basic "going seccond" stuff includes darkruler into raigeki into "rescue cat" for easy "fabled Unicor" or using "trhunder unicorn" as bait for "gavrity collapes" on 3rd trun. "shadow imprisoning mirror" because most meta cards are dark atribute and will negate them on field and gy.
(you sawp out the "hop eard squad" and the "aires rock sunires" for qhat in the side deck)