What deck did you play and why? I played a variant of Traptrix i call Synchro Traptrix, i played it due to my liking of the Traptrix playstyle with its high consistency and access to powerful trap holes and advantage loops with Sera. However, i felt the deck lacked a strong finisher and method to pressure the opponent so i added several 1 card synchro and XYZ engines, like Oviraptor and Assault to summon strong boss monsters.
What tech choices did you play?
The Lefty and Righty Driver package to make Herald of the Arc Light, Red Blossoms from Underroot and Treacherous Trap Hole were my main tech choices
How did you prepare for the meta, and would you change anything going forward?
I prepared by including a range of tech options strong against meta decks such as the above techs to counter Hero Shaddoll by preventing Shaddoll Fusion or Vyon by banishing cards or by banishing shaddoll fusion or a fusion monster by Blossom, plus Treacherous to serve as a powerful turn 1 option to blow up unprepared boards. I would definitely cut the Drivers, they felt very underpowered with Arc Light being too small to stop the opponent simply running it over before committing, and reallocate some traps to include new cards such as Snowflower Sheet.
How were your matchups? A had a range of good and bad matchups, most notably Unchained which i could counter with the wide assortment of GY hate and banishing methods to limit their recursion, however, i eventually got knocked out by the winning Spyral deck where i was unable to deal with the constant destruction a Sleeper offered. However, even in bad matchups, i could grab wins through Utopia Double granting me some wins i very much did not deserve.
Also please send us your decklist