So, the combo is long, and there are only 3 copies of the card that starts it. But if you want to play Synchro Eldlich again, this is an option. The biggest downside is you give up the Trains, since the combo eats up almost the whole extra deck. But you end on Calamities + Savage. Also, it runs a pile of bricks. Oh well. A larger deck size might be warranted for Eldlich players trying this combo tbh.
You use Opening of the Spirit Gates and Link Summoning to get 3 dark monsters with different types, then make Curious, send Plaguespreader. You link Curious into Linkross, and revive Plaguespreader and link with Linkross into Needlefibre, summoning Deskbot 001. You make Metalmarcher, revive the deskbot, then make Formula Synchron to draw a card and fix levels. Link Metalmarcher + Halq into Auroradon, summon 3 tokens, summon Deskbot. Synchro 1 token + Synchron into Garden Rose Maiden, then Synchro it + Deskbot into Coral Dragon. Auroradon's effect, tribute 2 tokens, summon Coltwing, summon 2 tokens, summon Deskbot. Synchro Coral Dragon + 1 token into Ravenous Crocodragon, draw 2 cards of the effects. Since you have 1 token remaining the Coltwing is a level 7, so make Borreload Savage with Deskbot, and equip Curious to him. Then use Garden Rose Maiden's effect to banish itself from the GY, summon Coral Dragon, and Synchro it with your token into another level 9. Boom, Calamities + Savage.