After making many Burning Abyss builds from scratch trying to create spicy techs this is the one I have made as the final product. It never bricks and can go first or second. Going second is better though since this build runs a lot of handtraps for many reasons. The ghost girls are used to stop your opponent from doing pretty much everything, not only are they good handtraps but you can use them as synchro material with the other Burning Abyss monsters so they aren't bricks in your hand your upcoming turn! That is why this build plays three
Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss so that you can send Libic to the graveyard and use his effect to special summon a Burning Abyss monster from your hand and negate its effects. This way you can normal summon a ghost girl and go into
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier or
Gravity Warrior which is another cool tech I added in.
Gravity Warrior is good to use when you're opponent has a lot of monsters on their board and you don't have access to Black Luster Soldier. Since
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit and
Effect Veiler are light monsters, they can be used as material for Black Luster Soldier. Also, Virgil isn't dead! Synchro into
Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss in this build using
Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss and the other Burning Abyss monsters. Virgil's shuffle effect is very powerful even in today's meta. After testing I have won games because of Virgil! Enjoy the deck and have fun guys.