Hi guys, my vision with this deck is clearly going second with built in quick play for turn enders like imperm or veiler. my favorite and most underrated card is auspice, i dont know how i was playing SwordSoul without this card. The handtrap counter summon along with the banish effect is a moral killer for any opponent. So in addition to heavenly dragon circle, i can play with litte fear of interruption. Gold sarcophagus, is a turn starter and extender, you could banish blackout to get a free lv 4 token just in case they pop your token, or negate your Lv4 swordsoul monsters, or you could just banish a target material for a graveyard adhara to return to your hand , another option is just making a token so tenyi monsters are live. adding psychic end punisher to your extra deck would to maximize that route. The extra and side decks are flexable. Gravity Collapse & Crimson Blader and potentional game enders due to the fact their effects are lingering.Hope you guys enjoy the deck!!! I would love some feedback or tips in the comments. UPDATE: replaced kaiju kumongous to gameciel due to the lv7 being useable with kashtira