Hello, this is the list I've taken to last locals that was post banlist. Since they banned Isolde, I've turned back to Pendulum Magician and cooked up a good list and i went undefeated. Since its a rogue contender people don't know how to handtrap the deck or use negates against it, so you can always end on multiple internuptions, and break boards going second. For going first you can side Crossout and handtraps(droll,nib) and you can also go for the Dracoslayer engine to fetch any field spell from your deck, I've played Necrovalley and Secret Village, and decks can't play throigh the fieldspell + 5 negates.Your typical gameplan consists of getting the new Supreme King Gate Magician out on the field and use its effect to get multiples in rotation. Your endboard consists of Apollousa(2-3 counters), Baronne,Vortex, set up scales with Time and Star Pendulumgraph.