Combo Utopia x Hero:
1.spesial sumon infernal prodigy (if you have) or just use a hero lives then sumon solid use his eff to sumon stratos of vyon
2.then use stratos to take faris (if you sumon stratos if not use vyon eff send shadow mist to graveyard then take liquid soldier use vyon again to take polymerization) sumon utopia double with stratos or vyon and solid soldier
4.use utopia double eff to take double or nothing from deck to hand then sumon utopia
5.use polymerization to fusion sumon vision hero trynity (this step only work when your hero total of field and hand is enough to sumon trinity)(sumon stratos and take faris use faris eff then sumon him. use it again set vision hero increase. Use increase eff tribute faris or infernal prodigy spesial sumon him. Use his eff spesial sumon vision hero vyon. Then send shadow mist take elemental hero honest neos. But if you send shadow mist to graveyard with faris eff, then just send sinister necrom to graveyard. Use vyon banish 1 hero except sinister necrom then take polymerization fusion trinity (if enemy have monster in attck potition if not fusion sumon sunrise then sumon great tornado if stratos in gy or absolute zero if liquid in gy your choice)) then use sinister eff spesial sumon 1 evil hero whenever just dont summon infernal with sinister eff. Then use trinity to attck their monster use utopia then use double or nothing and last use honest neos and attck again
Combo Rainbow Neos:
1. Spesial sumon infernal prodigy (if you have) or if you have A hero lives in hand use it and sumon stratos take vyon or stratos (if you didnt have solid take solid because this combo only work when you have solid and another hero to sumon)
2.summon solid use his eff sumon vyon or straros (vyon: if you sumon vyon send shadow mist to gy then use his eff take liquid the use vyon eff take polymerization then fusion a monster but dont fusion a trinity. but you can also send sinister to gy then use sinister eff sumon evil hero except infernal prodigy dont use vyon eff) (stratos: take faris use his eff sumon fari but dont use his eff again) then link sumon isolde with faris and stratos or infernal prodigy then take 1 hero whenever. send power of the guardian spesial sumon infernoble knight renaud take the equip spell then link sumon anaconda. (If the equip spell is in your hand dont link sumon isolde just link sumon anaconda)
3.use anaconda eff summon rainbow neos the equip him with the equip spell you can use neos eff to send anaconda to gy (if enemy have monster if not send 1 spell from field to gy if they have set card but if their field empty you can use the last eff of neos) then attck them
Actualy ther is the third combo but my hand is tired so i will write it next time :D