Kill your opponent before they even draw a card
COMBO:Activate Prodigy Wakaushi (Can be pretty easily searched w bike), place Monk Big Benkei in pend zone, ss Wakaushi, activate Monk Benkei eff, add Soulpiercer, Normal soulpeircer into Scarecrow, Search Soulpeacemaker, Discard to summon Soulpiercer back w scarecrow, equip soulpiecemaker to scarecrow, tribute to ss Wagon, wagon search Soulbreaker, Wagon and Soulpiercer into Ancient gear Ballista, Ballista search Box (Which searchs General Coral), Soulpiercer searches Bike. Ballista and Wakaushi into Beyond the Pend, Beyond the Pend eff to add Supersight 0 king maxwell, set other Pend scale w general coral, Pend summon Wakaushi and any other superheavy monster w a different level (such as Bike), activate Beyond the pends eff, pop general coral and itself, Activate 0 king Maxwell, activate Wakaushi eff, discard Soulbreak armor to ss Scales from deck, Activate Scales eff SS Soulpiercer from GY, Synchro Scales, Soulpiercer, and Wakaushi into Masurao, Search Soulbreaker with Soulpiercer, King Maxwell Eff to reduce Masurao's def to 0. Banish Soulbreak Armor from gy to burn 4000 points of dmg. Equip Soulbreak to Bike and Link into scarecrow, burn 4000 more.
When pendulum summoning, also pend summon Ancient Gear Box, and destroy both the pend monsters with beyond the pend instead. Then shuffle beyond the pend and box into deck to ss Awakening of the possessed: Nefariouser Archfiend. Then use it to ss Soulpiercer. Use bike eff to increase its own, or soulpiercers level, then synchro them both into accell synchro stardust Dragon. Use it to ss bike, then synchro them into barronne. You can use barrones pop at the end of the combo to get a 2nd soul break into the gy, and it still works.