This deck can easily bring out Ravenous Tarantula, which allows you to increase your monster's ATK by the difference between LP. This is especially powerful considering the train archetype is able to do lots of damage quickly. Some basic combos are:
preset metal reflect slime
activate revolving switchyard
summon knight express night / chain heavy freight train derricrane
revolving switchyard activates, summoning Flying Pegasus as a lvl 10.
activate metal reflect slime, putting 4 lvl 10s on the field
(optional but helpful) activate Mound of the Bound Creator, preventing your opponent from destroying monsters, + makes it harder to negate.
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Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. Once there, you can edit a deck and hit the "Import clipboard and save" button!
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